

To start, find a image link of a CYOA, paste it in the field and press add. Be sure to have a stable link, because it loads it from the host site. You can add multiple images as needed.

There are 3 different modes, Draw, Annotate and Play.

Draw Mode allows you to each option clickable. Press and Hold down the left mouse button to create a box.

Annotate mode allows you to add a name and points to each box. If your option has no points, set the points to 0 or else it would error out.

Test out your Interactive CYOA with the play mode. When you're done, go into play mode, reset back to the starting position and press download to save it as its own interactible web page.

Pleas note, if you're going to edit the width, make sure you do it before you start drawing the boxes because the boxes are a fixed size so they will no longer line up.

Draw Mode


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